A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Maite (renamable) wakes up in a strange, windowless room, unaware of how she got there. She soon discovers that she was kidnapped by a mysterious person, and she's not alone.

A young man has been trapped here with her, and seems just as confused as she is. They work together to find a way out, but the more time passes, the less inclined to escape her companion seems to become… Soon enough, he begins to suggest they should both stay here—together, forever, in the dollhouse.

WARNING! This version of the game contains themes of: 

  • Kidnapping
  • Isolation
  • Drugging
  • Obsession, toxic behavior, emotional and minor physical abuse, non-consensual kissing and stalking
  • Syringes and dangerous substances
  • Partial amnesia
  • Intense swearing

The full game may/will also contain:

  • Murder and/or death

VA: Ariana Rosario

VA: Gale Rivera

VA: Luca Xavier

Florisam - Project Lead / Lead Writer / Background Artist (Sketch and base colors)
Abrankar Blanco - Co-writer
Leporine - Editor / GUI Designer
Vera Tan - Logo Designer
Mochipie - Programmer
HusbandoGoddess- Programmer
Apririnn - Sprite Artist
Martuwu - Background Artist (Lineart, base colors and rendering)
Joacon - 3D Background Artist
Kaibo - Main CG Artist
Mat - Composer
Criso Almóniga - Sound Designer
Jerron Bacat - Casting and VO Director
Pri Karin - Proofreader / Beta Tester
Byutaki - Beta Tester / Trailer Editor


Our Dollhouse Part 1 (Mac) 239 MB
Our Dollhouse Part 1 (PC) 245 MB

Development log


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(1 edit) (+2)

How many parts is this game going to have? I'm just curious! ^_^ 

Anyways, this looks very nice... I wish the next time I come back maybe year/s laterrr it's finished ( or at least half of it! ). Support to dev!!! ★★


Hi! Thank you for your support, I am so glad you like it!

This game is meant to only have 2 parts, so next one will also mean the game is complete! Sadly it will take some time to finish it, but do look forward to it~

i love this game, i've been here during the first demo, can't wait to see more of it ! ♡


Oooh I just love this game! The sound design is excellent-- the moment when (spoiler warning) the player character is in the secret room, and you can hear Tadeo making his way closer to her genuinely gave me a chill! 

The writing here is fantastic, and so is the art! I can tell that quite a lot of love was put into this game. Great work! 


Thank you so much! Your comment has made me pretty happy, hehe! I'm glad you noticed that little bit of sound design, I definitely wanted the player to feel more tense even when Maite wasn't noticing.


when is part 2 coming up, i love this game sm


Hi! We don't have a set date for the release at this moment, as it's hard for me to  estimate it. Feel free to follow me on my socials for future updates, though!

I love Tadeo bro

(1 edit)

Is this game 18+? If not, what age rating would you give it?

I would say it's more so +16. It deals with some dark topics, but it's not explicit now is there a lot of visuals of those (the most so far would be a (SPOILER) syringe, and there may be some blood in the future)


Tadeo is such a pathetic little man I love him


Oh same, coming to the end as pretty much everything came out, I really loved him.


i..i wanna date my boy tadeo i hope this will be an option in part 2, it was a really good game 


Delightfully creepy, without relying on cheap tricks like jump scares or gore.  Really like the "slow burn" gradual build-up of the horror aspects.

Love the UI design and its motifs. 🌼🌱🔘

The voice acting is fire! 🔥🔥🔥

Really looking forward to Part 2!


Thank you so much, Seven! It makes me very happy you enjoyed it >v<


I can't wait to see the finished product, this is so high quality! I can't wait for the next update!


this game is SO GOOD. Can´t wait for part 2 !11!


omg i LOVVEEE this game, it looks so much better now that their are actual backgrounds to the game scenes and more lines i think + the  new pictures that were added..i just LOVE it lol...i love this idea where theres a GUY yandere (and hes cute lol) and he has the girl (us) trapped in this cool secret place and is trying to trick us into thinking  that everything is alright...its all just lovely lol. Im superrr exctited to see part 2 :)

Looking forward to the full game!


Hello! I'll assume this is an unfinished project because of the 'part 1' written ^^ But hopefully the moment I come back to this it's finished!! Leaving this here because the amount of demos I've been looking out for is enormous LOL





HAHAHA yeah this game was an absolute(ly terrifying) blast and it was amazing analyzing the tiniest things, and like sunny said, we're absolutely stoked for the next part--actually, the whole game to come out!!




Late reply, but he would never!



Creepy but I love this! Is there any happy ending with this grim world setting?lol best of luck for your development game 

Thank you so much for playing! As for happy endings... guess you'll have to see ;)


I just played this last night and really enjoyed it! I can't wait to play some more!

Also wanted to share something I found today. Someone was sharing pics of their babys nursery and it really creeped me out. Look familiar?

Thank you so much for playing!

As for the nursery, oh boy! Hope that baby is okay and has no encounters with a certain main (to be fair, painting walls like nature is like a super cute idea I think!)


I can't wait to see more of the... true colours. I do hope we'll have the chance to explore the new area more in the future too!


The distraught I felt when I saw that the murder/death tw wasn't in this yet. I was so sad XD. Btw what does Part 2 do? Is it to fix a bug or does it add something? Am confused :o


Haha! Don't worry, it shall come eventually!

As for the part 2 thing, that was a typo on my part! I'm really sorry for the confusion.

Murder/death?? There will be murder/death on this game?? Please elaborate. Cuz I can't wait any longer!


Check the warnings above. It's over the character cards. Murder and/or death will be in the full game. I'm hoping it'll be Maite/MC killing the kidnapper, cuz any other outcome is unacceptable/will make me sad.

are u talking about tadeo as in being the kidnapper bc if so i would be sad if she killed him lol i like them as a couple or whatever they are lol

Im confused why part 1 is linux and part 2 is pc. Is there an update here or no?

My bad, I made a typo when uploading a fix, sorry for the confusion!

May I know why part 1 seems to be only for mac and part 2 only for windows/lunix? (I'm guessing it might be a naming error and they're both part 1, but not sure haha). This is such a beautiful game btw! Tysm for creating it <3


It was indeed a naming error, they are both part 1! Sorry for the confusion ;v;

(2 edits)

Lucky me :D Just when I had finished playing the previous version of the game, I found out that it's been updated already. I love this game, can't wait for the next part. And the artwork is so good, especially their sprites, just perfect. I don't know if a plot twist can be called a plot twist when you anticipate it so much haha, and I'm glad it happened.

Want to point out one inconsistency. When we are given two options: "Ask what he is going to eat" and "Ask how situation is outside", I chose the second one, and suddenly protagonist asks him about a sandwich, even though we know nothing about it.

Definitely lucky timing! I'm super happy to hear you like it so much, and even if you don't see it as a plot twist, I hope it was a satisfying reveal!

And thank you for letting us know. For confirmation, is this on day 4? We'll make sure to check and fix it for the next update!

Definitely satisfying, that's what I was really hoping for. :)

Yes, it was on day 4!

10/10 game recommend!! If you're not playing this, I don't know watcha be doin'!!

This is so epic

(1 edit) (+1)

Wow! I saw that plot twist coming miles away, but it didn't take away my enjoyment one bit! It was one of my favorite yandere games ever since it first released.


Are there other endings or just Tadeo snapping after we found out the truth and then drugging us with an injection?

Btw, I admit I that although I loved the first demo,  I loved it mostly because of the entrapment setting and the kidnapper playing with us, but Tadeo was just there. Didn't dislike him, but I didn't LIKE him either. But now, after revealing his true colors, he managed to steal my heart and be placed on my list of yandere husbandos. It's a very creative way to showcase a yandere character in action. Never seen a game where they kidnap the target of their love and trap them with themselves and pretend to be kidnapped with their loved one. It's as if any sort of death game was an otome yandere game. Very creative indeed. 

Hehe, I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! I'm really flattered >v<


While there's variations, all end with Tadeo snapping and drugging the MC. This is what will lead to the next part, after all!

And I'm super happy to hear you liked the concept of the entrapment! I definitely took inspiration from death games, even if this isn't one, hehe! I hope I can keep making you more interested in Tadeo as you keep playing. After all, you haven't seen everything yet ;)

I'm really flattered that I flattered you 😳 I told you are one of my inspirations when creating yandere vns ☺️ thank you so much for replying to my humble comment.


I thought Tadeo was too vanilla at first and I prefer hardcore yanderes, but then he snapped and pulled out that syringe 🥵🥰

Btw, is there a reason why he kidnapped Maite in particular? Does he know her from somewhere else? Are they childhood friends or something? 

You're really sweet! <3

As for those last questions, I can't answer them at this time, as those are things that will most likely come out in the full game!

(1 edit)

Oh wow!  I was super excited to see that part 1 was out and how the story would continue, which did not disappoint! There were multiple parts along the way where traceback errors showed, but after clicking "Ignore" I was able to continue onto the next dialogue screen. 

Kudos to the team, and looking forward to part two! 

Edit: I figured out the traceback errors were due to loading my save from the demo version, so starting from the beginning worked smoothly!


I'm really glad you enjoyed it! And so sorry about the errors, but glad you figured it out! I may have to make it a bit more clear that it's necessary to start a new save, ahaha

A great Part 1 for this Game. What a Cliffhanger! How many Parts are you planning for Our Dollhouse?


I'm glad you liked it! The current plan is to have just two parts, so consider this the first half

Thanks for the fast answer.


Congratulations on releasing part 1 of the game! And it looks like things are looking interesting! Does part 1 have only one ending? I'm always getting the same.

AND OH MY GOD! This MC design is one of the prettiest I've ever seen. She is breathtaking!


Thank you so much! I'm glad you find it interesting and that you like the MC design! The artist made her sooo pretty!

[There's very minor spoilers from here]

As for the ending, it has variations, but it always ends the same way for MC. Which is something that will be explored in the next part.


Amazing work by the whole team. Each aspect that made this game come to life is extremely polished and put together extremely well.  Congrats on the release of part 1! <3

I absolutely LOVED this demo. The characters have such a personality even with the light voice acting, the designs just make them come to life. The backgrounds are detailed and beautiful which contrasts so nicely with the unsettling story line. I am dying to see where the story goes from here! Great job, I'm gonna go play all the rest of your games to tide me over. :)


I frikkin LOVE Arianas clothes so cute!

Awesome demo, and characters (+character design). I can't wait for the full game!


I do not trust Tadeo.

I agree. Sometimes I think Tadeo and the kidnapper are the same person.

Wow, this story kept me on my toes! I look forward to the next update and seeing how different choices makes the story progress :)


What a great Demo! I am excited for a Update!

This is a super fun and exciting game! I was so into it when I reached the end I was surprised and a bit upset. I can't wait for the next update!


I'm really happy to hear you enjoyed it! We're currently working hard on the update, so keep an eye out for it!

I love the game! Can't say I love many, but this one is great! I like the designs, characters, as well as the setup. It's interesting and I'd love to see more that causes the mc to question things, and ultimately the player too. Going for loops is great for this type of game, and I'd look forward for more.

 However, two small gripes I have. While I muted the voices, only because hearing the mc talk threw me off (I had already turned down the settings b4 playing)- I wasn't expecting it to still be so loud). Another thing, someone also mentioned but having the mc speak is a bit conflicting if we're essentially them, and not like a Yui from DL situation where we play as an already defined character.  As for two, I am not too sure if I had actually completed said demo- it cancels out every now and then and sends me to the loading screen. If not only this, but it would also throw me to the main screen without much of an implication. 

All in all, I like where this is going, and the character we play as is realistic in a sense, as for the guy- appreciate he's calm even if it's a tad suspect. 

anywaysss, thank you making this can't wait to see where this project goes <33


Aaaah! Thank you so much for your comment, it really makes me happy that you loved it! I can tell you that there's definitely more to come and I hope you enjoy that as well!

Thanks for the feedback, too! We're trying to solve the bugs and little issues that people have come across, the volume is something we def need to touch up a bit. As for the MC, I think I may have given the wrong impression by putting "you" in the description (and perhaps with being able to name her as well); she is meant to be her own character rather than a self-insert, and after some comments we've actually talked about solutions and changes with the team that better reflect what we want, so some things may be a bit different for the update! 

In regards to the loading screen issue, would you mind telling us more details? I don't think we saw anyone have this problem before and if it's still there we probably need to solve it. The game should end on a black screen with some dialogue, can't say the specifics for spoiler reasons of course.

In any case, thanks again!


Of course, thank you for replying and giving more insight!!

I understand now about her being her own character and that's fine too! As for the errors, I can't record them so to the best of my ability at explaining: 

Say it's a little after I have made a choice, right. This mostly happened right before the second day, but mostly on the third it kept pulling up the load screen- even if I didn't make a choice, it would be at random places (or times). I tried to exit the game and see if maybe I could just reopen, but when doing that the game sounded like I had opened it twice with the music being layered (originally, I thought that was a stylistic choice, but then realized it happened in good moments rather than eerie, and then pulled up the screen. So, with this context- this was the issue regarding some of the glitch? Though I should clarify, on day 1 I had the game opened during the night, then played the rest the following morning.) 

However, the issues were mostly during the middle and end of day two (in game), then most of day three (like right before the day concluded). Day One had no issues with redirecting to the main screen, having the music sound off, or anything of that matter. Also, hmm, if it ended on a black screen then I don't think I had gotten there, as the game kept redirecting- though, if I am picking up on your context, I assume I was just about there- but not quite.  Regardless, the issue more or less isn't that bad as I just took it as a possible sign to keep saving for the load screen and it was still enjoyable to play through!  Also, apologies if this is a little confusing!


Hey! I played the demo!

So, first thing first: I loved the art. The characters looked amazing, I love their design and expressions! The backgrounds are also very-nice looking (with an amount of details that reminded me The Sims 4 to be honest!), and even those who are still in sketch state look promising! The music was great, the voice-acting excellent, the GUI beautiful!

Regarding the writing, it was very interesting, but I'm not sure if I can keep this spoiler-free, so beware readers: of course, Tadeo raises all red flags, and his involvement in the situation the characters are in is pretty obvious (unless some unexpected plot twist), but his relationship to the kidnapper is still interesting nonethtless (why would the kidnapper help him? Did Tadeo just record himself and did some editing?). And the obvious question: why trap them inside a "dollhouse", instead of just trying to woo her?

I loved Maite as a protag: she feels helpless, which is realistic in her situation. Yet, she's also empowering: she has determination and strong will. She's very well balanced: she is very affected but is fighting not to give up.

So, that's it for the demo so far! I'm excited to see more of this story! Congrats on the whole team for such a good release!


Hii! Thank you so much for playing!

Your comment made me really happy to read, I'm truly glad you liked it as much! All of the artists did such an amazing job putting this together, and I'm sure they're as proud as I am of how it's coming along. I will pass your compliments to them <3

As for the writing, hehe, I can see how it's difficult to keep it spoiler-free! I can only encourage you to keep an eye open to the future update to find out more, learn some truths, and maybe even have some new questions.

And you don't know how happy it makes me to hear your opinion on Maite! There's times I had doubts about her portrayal, so the fact that you loved her is a delight to hear.

Again, thank you so much for playing, and hope to see you for the update <3


literally everything about this is so amazing !! the art, the voices, the storyline, the characters, dialogue, everything has me in awe and the fact that its pretty long for a demo just adds to it !! thank you for your hard work on this game the love that went into making it really shines through ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა

so many possibilities and places the story can go I'm really excited to unravel more about it !! one of the best and most well made demos I've played in a long time <3 i have some theories and i like how its both unnerving and suspicious but also has that sprinkle of light heartedness that makes you forget its a horror-esque vn JJHDJSH i absolutely adore the characters (even tho i have my suspicions aha) and I'm excited to find out more about them !!

again thank u for ur hard work on this amazing game i really can't wait for the full version !

Thank you so much for your comment, it really makes me so happy to see you enjoyed it so much! 

(1 edit) (+7)(-1)

Intriguing game, with an intriguing plot. Beautifully designed backgrounds and characters. Music lends amazingly to the atmosphere.

My only critique (or I guess, preference) is that there is no option to turn off the MC's voice lines/exclamations. The MC having a specific design is fine since it's easily ignorable, but having a voice really breaks immersion and defeats the purpose of making them nameable or giving dialogue options as, at that point, it's not really 'You' anymore, as the description suggests.

Other than that small detail, this game looks great and has amazing potential!

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